You might be reading this headline and think to yourself, “Is she crazy? I book hotels myself all the time!”  Let me explain. This topic falls under the category of “just because you can doesn’t mean you always should.” I know you can DIY your hotel reservations. With the Worldwide Web at your disposal, you could […]

Luxury Travel

January 16, 2022

Friends Don’t Let Friends Book Luxury Hotels On Their Own

Are you a DIY traveler? Do you enjoy last-minute getaways, weekend breaks, or other short trips?  Ever wonder how to book online and get my Virtuoso benefits for free? Then this Virtuoso self-booking tool is for you! What is Virtuoso, you ask? Virtuoso is the premier global network of agencies (with over 20,000 travel advisors!) specializing […]

Luxury Travel

April 15, 2021

You Book – We VIP!!